I finally have decided on a name for my book club- Get Lit! When I was at work (of all places), looking up book fairs for a client, I read about one that called itself Get Lit. I wish I would have come up with this on my own but I did think it was too cute to pass up. For the record, that type of entertainment isn't my style but aliterative plays on words definitely is on par with my sense of humor. Here are some books that I recently purchased.
The Myteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon.
Because I am enjoying The Perks of Being a Wallflower which is also set in my hometown, I was excited to see this at the thrift store. I haven't watched the movie that they made but it might be nice to watch when I'm finished with the book. I may review this book for one of my vlogs on my YouTube channel but for now, it's atleast on my reading list.
Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me by Chelsea Handler's "Various Victims".
This book I was the first in line to preorder. I'm a huge fan of anything Chelsea Handler (well, minus that horrific reality TV show that one of her companies produced) and have been for a pretty long time. I have read Heather McDonald's book You'll Never Blue Ball In This Town Again and really loved it. I like a lot of the regulars on Chelsea Lately (many of whom had a part in writing this book), so I know I will love it. When I'm done reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I can't wait to get started. I'll probably finish this in a couple days! Expect a full review in June!
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.
I picked this up at the thrift store for a couple dollars. I heard it was a nice and easy read from many people and I just love the title. I am a fan of Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie, so I'm sure this one will not disappoint. I'll likely get around to reading it in the fall and will do a full review here on my blog and YouTube channel.
The Courage to be Rich by Suze Orman.
I am such a fan of Suze Orman! I think she is briliant and such a warm person. I enjoy her show so I know I will really take a lot from this book. I got it at the thrift store for a couple dollars- it's one of her older books but when it comes to money, good advice tends to age pretty well. Since I live at home and don't have any bills, I'm trying to save a lot of the money I earn. Hopefully this book will inspire me!
Audtion by Barbara Walters.
Growing up, I had my heart set on being a journalist. Barbara Walters is the quintessential woman to look up to in this regard. She may not be everyone's favorite person in the world but she has lived an incredible life. I thought this book might be nice to read at a glacial pace (it's pretty thick). I'm sure Barbara's life stories and advice will be beneficial to me even though my hopes and dreams are a bit removed from one-man-banding in the field.
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