I wanted to post a quick update about my lack of blogging. I haven't stopped nor do I ever plan to quit. I love sharing my inspirations with the world. When I started this blog several years ago, I never attempted to garner mass attention or any sort of monetary compensation from it. I post because it's an incredible feeling to know that something I shared, informed or created was appreciated and viewed by someone else- anyone else. The fact that people from all over the world visit this site on a daily basis is enough for me. I don't need millions of followers. I'm grateful and humbled that even one person would enjoy a peek inside my psyche.
That being said, my computer has a few issues. I'm particular about writing from my PC as opposed to my phone. It's just easier for me. I might attempt to work from my device but I can't promise anything. I have a feeling that the layout would be less than satisfactory. It's a new year so perhaps a new way of posting should be embraced. I have a lot of content that I want to share with you. We shall see.
Thank you for continuing to check in with me. In the meantime, I'm still posting regularly on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. :)
Love Always,
Now Playing: "Age of Consent" by New Order
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